Workshops & Registration
Weber SheTech – March 31st
Explorer Day Schedule
Get Registered!!
Register now to get the classes you want. Registration is free, but limited to the first 400 girls. To register select 2 workshops, TechZone, complete the info section, tell us if you want to complete a certification, submit your registration and you are finished.
We’ll do our best to get you into the workshops you select. Just remember workshop placement in a class is not guaranteed, but no matter which workshop you attend – you will love it. Your workshop schedule will be provided to you at Explorer Day. And remember grab your friends and get them to come with you.
Our cool workshops are listed below – take a look and choose a few favorites. All workshops are offered during all three session times, if they are grayed out on the registration form they are already filled. So register now to get your top picks.
Workshop Descriptions
Bio & Medical
Electronic Circuits – Monitor Your Heart
Watch the LED beat to the rhythm of your heart with this pulse rate monitor! This workshop will introduce the participants to the skills necessary to interpret an electrical schematic, while designing, building and testing a pulse detector circuit. Using chip clips, breadboard, resistors, amplifiers and LEDs, you will build a device that detects your pulse and blinks the LEDs based on your heart rate. Electrical engineering is a broad field with applications in almost every industry like robotics, biomedical, automotive, aerospace, sensor systems, power, telecommunications, sound engineering and several others. The techniques learned in this workshop will help you take a schematic from your areas of interest and reproduce/build it into a fully functional electronic circuit!
Physiology of Exercise
When we exercise, our cardiovascular and respiratory systems have to kick into overdrive to supply our muscles with the oxygen they need for contraction. In this workshop, students will learn how to collect heart rates, blood pressure and respiratory rates in order to look at the effects of exercise on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. We will use the data collected to discuss how the body responds to exercise and why exercise is important to maintain both a healthy body and mind.
Understanding your Microbes, Inside and Out
Did you know an adult human’s body weight includes about 6 pounds of microbial cells? The human microbiome is a dynamic collection of microorganisms that live on and in our bodies. They play an important role in health and disease. In this workshop, students will discuss some of what is known about the impact that the human microbiome has on physiology, nutrition, and disease. We will model how diet or antibiotic use can alter the microbiome and discuss the impacts this can have on health. We will also use microscopy to observe some of the microbial community of the human mouth.
Wonders of Exercise Science
When we exercise, our cardiovascular and respiratory systems have to kick into overdrive to supply our muscles with the oxygen they need for contraction. In this workshop, students will learn how to collect heart rates, blood pressure and respiratory rates in order to look at the effects of exercise on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. We will use the data collected to discuss how the body responds to exercise and why exercise is important to maintain both a healthy body and mind.
Digital Awesomeness
3D Graffiti
Make your words pop off the screen! Learn how to create stunning 3D typography artwork in Cinema 4D and Photoshop. Experience how 3D lighting, texturing and rendering techniques can make your digital art dimensional.
HTML for Girls
You live in a world surrounded by technology; wouldn’t it be great to learn how that technology works and how YOU can tell it what to do?! Join us for a fun and exciting session to learn how easy it is to write your own HTML CODE! This session is HANDS-ON, FUN and Exciting. Come learn how much fun it is when girls (code)!
Interior Design Technology
A hands-on introduction to the basics of the interior design profession and the technology used in the presentation of a design project. Work with the current Autodesk technology to create your own small design concept.
Pixel Art
Make an animated GIF of your own character! In this workshop, explore animation techniques to create sprite cycles of a character that you design. Give your character life with a walk cycle, jump cycle and prepare your animation to be imported into a video game.
Rockets & Robots
3-2-1 Blast Off
Soar to new heights in this rocket propulsion workshop. Learn how a rocket lifting off is an application of Newton’s Laws of Motion. Build your own rockets and see how high and how far you can go. Learn how variables such as fin shape and weight affect how high the rocket will fly.
Amazing & Clean Renewable Energy
A hands-on workshop with Solar Power where you get to extend building circuits using solar modules to generate electricity that can power a load such as a motor or light. Come experience the future of power.
Is that Robot winking at you?
Come explore the first steps to a future in CGI, animation, robotics, or psychology by designing a cardboard robot face capable of demonstrating facial expressions! During the workshop, participants will learn technological skills and mechanical knowledge needed to complete this challenge! They will work in small groups to design, build, and decorate cardboard facial features that utilize simple machines. Next, those features will be activated through the use of circuits and motors. Finally, all the parts will be combined to make an analog robot face capable of smiling, frown, or even winking!
Pick Your Place in Technology
Did you know that working in technology is not just coding? You don’t have to be a scientist or mathematician, you just have to be creative with the drive to get things done. Let us show you all the different roles you can play in the tech industry that help bring technology to the masses. From DNA research to predictive forecasting to owning the executive track, you’ll see why we love the tech industry and why we know there is a place for you! This is a fun, interactive session to prepare you for the diversity of roles available to you in technology.
Up, Up and Away
Join us as we explore flight and rocketry by testing Bernoulli’s Principle, experimenting with straw rockets, and flying remote controlled model planes up, up, (but hopefully), not away.
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